Access Quality Data

TitleFlex provides you with access to the most comprehensive database of property information and recorded documents available.

Verified Record Defines Data Confidence & Security

Look for the Verified Record symbol on standard conveyances and mortgages. When the symbol is present, you'll know that the key fields in the transaction have been digitally matched between multiple independent sources.


Find the Specific Document You Need

Choose from documents that include:

  • Conveyance deeds
  • Purchase mortgages
  • Stand-alone mortgages
  • Mortgage subordinations
  • Mortgage assignments
  • Mortgage releases
  • Mortgage delinquencies
  • Judgments
  • Federal and state liens
  • Mechanic's Liens
  • Bankruptcies
  • UCC documents

FlexSearch Unlocks All the Data in Documents

FlexSearch provides the precision and flexibility to search all of the text in billions of public record document images nationwide. Discover the documents that contain the text you seek and only order the documents you need.


Direct From the Title Plant Data

TitleFlex unlocks the value contained in DataTrace's leading title plants for all real estate professionals. Through the Title and Chain Lien report, you can provide your customers with the chain of title information (non-insurable) that was previously only available to title underwriters.

Property Reports

Gain quick access to property reports, organized so you can select the reports you need and hide the reports you don’t.